Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Whoa Drucker Really Has a Blog?

Been quite a while since I have posted and think that because I am in the heart of the Fall TV Season and Cal Football Season is rolling along I might actually post more than once every 3 months. No guarantees (not that anyone really cares) but I might actually try.

So away we go....

What I Am Watching (and what I think of it):

Sunday (3 hours)-
The Wire - Simply some of the best television I have ever watched. Just a remarkable show in the way they show such complex social issues. Hard threshold of entry if you haven't seen much of it before but god it is remarkable.
The Amazing Race - Yes I am a sucker for reality TV in general but this is as good as network reality TV gets. Compelling things for the racers to have to do. Just good popcorn TV.
The Simpsons- Not nearly as funny as it used to be but still a sucker for the show. There is no way I can purge this out of my diet, ever.
The Family Guy - Funny, crass, well voiced, biting satire, and toilet humor. What more can you ask for?

Monday (3.5 hours)-
Prison Break - Really a silly premise but well produced and acted. Really simple popcorn drama but compelling nonetheless.
How I Met Your Mother - Silly title for a show but really funny. Definitely has its legs in its second season. All of the actors have improved timing. Neil Patrick Harris is just hilarious.
Heroes - Ummmm easily the best of the new shows across all networks. Just riveting. I love this show more than I can express in 3 sentences and look forward to its airing each week. So good! I just wish I really knew what the heck Ali Larter's 'power' is other than blacking out and killing people.
Studio 60 - My love of this show is slowly waining. I like it a lot and love the actors and writing but the show itself just isn't that compelling. I watch it but am not thrilled while doing so. To quote Lee: "meh."

Tuesday(5 hours)-
Gilmore Girls - So yes this makes me a bit of a girl but it is a good show to watch with the wife. Funny, but definitely losing steam in probably its last season.
Veronica Mars - So if GG makes me a girl this makes me a teenage girl? Probably not long for the CW but it is cute and a fill for the lack of funny teen dramas.
Friday Night Lights - I like it. Well produced and comes across more like a movie than TV. With that said, it is highly cliche and I cannot imagine several years of 22 episodes a season where this carries its load.
Law and Order CI and SVU - Yes, 2 shows but same franchise. I really enjoy them still. Both are really well acted so I cannot give them up. I am closer to dropping the original L&O than I am these 2.

Wednesday(3.5 hours)-
Jericho - For some reason because Skeet Ulrich is in this show I am almost embarassed to admit to watching it. But the show itself is good. Interesting backdrop of post apocolyptic US and a small town drama. I dropped it and then picked it back up and am enjoying it but expect that this is the first show to get purged when my TV diet gets too big.
30 Rock - Ok I don't like this show enough to remember to add it to my TiVo (soon to be DirecTV HD DVR) Season Pass list but I am enjoying it. Mostly because Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin are wry and funny. But only enough to watch it online, I guess.
Lost - So far what I think is the best season yet. Love how each of the 3 seasons have shown the crash from a different angle. Just remarkable television, ANNNNND with that said, I fear that this might be an X-Files scenario where it is great and interesting but confusing and annoying in that confusion.
The Nine - I like it but am not sold on it. Seems great but there are times where it just drrrraaaaaaggggggs. Not sure what happened in the bank and honestly I am not 100% sure I care.

Thursday(4 hours)-
Survivor - YES another reality show. This season is "meh" but I still come back for more.
My Name is Earl - Unique and quirky and just very funny.
The Office - Honestly I am not sure what I can type and not sound like and understatement or hyperbole. I think this is the best sitcom I have ever watched.
ER - Classic and maybe one of the best seasons in quite some time.
Grey's Anatomy - Maybe the best non-supernatural drama on TV. 'Nuff said.

Friday(1 hour) -
L&O Regular Edition - see above

So there you have it. Drucker reviewed more TV shows than necessary. Totalling 19.5 hours. then add in 1 hour for Top Chef and .5 hours for Real World/Road Rules Challenge, and we have a total of 21 hours of TV. Not that bad considering last year at this time I was watching 24.5 hours.

Stay tuned for a Cal post and a rant about stupid human college football polls.

Go Bears!