Sunday, June 07, 2009

I be Jammin'

So I have completed the first jam day of 2009.  Thanks to Costco for having amazing berries (both strawberries and raspberries).

My goal is always to make enough jam to cover the family needs for the year and give us a really good set of gifts that we can give to people throughout the year.  So this is part 1 of usually 3 
jam making days each year.  Coming up will be plum jam and then apricot jam.  Also if we make it to a u pick berry farm I might make some ollaliberry.

Making jam is not super complicated it is just takes a good method and system.  My steps in order (and this is making 2 batches at a time):

1) prepare the fruit in advance (puree it)
2) get all the raw materials in place, pots, and other equipment
3) wash jars and have jars warm and ready for when you need them
4) add water to pasteurizing pot and start it boiling
5) add fruit and sugar to pot start it cooking
6) while fruit is cooking get jars out of the dishwasher and get lids and rings ready
7) once jam is done cooking (boiled and pectin added) skim off foam and pour into jars
8) seal jars and place into water bath
9) as jars are pasteurizing start next batches (takes about 15 minutes to pasteurize which when in rhythm is all it takes to make 2 batches)
10) remove jars from bath
11) allow jars to cool completely (2 days)
12) enjoy

I always tell people the simple rules when I give them my jam:
1) after opening refrigerate
2) only good for about 1 year after making (I mark a date on top when cooled)
3) if something looks or SMELLS funky you throw it away

All in all this is something I love to do and people appreciate a lot when given.  Homemade jam is a wonderful gift and at least I know everything that goes into it (yes a bunch of sugar but still) and can send it on a PB&J with daughter and not feel remorseful.

Really worth the effort and once done it is a pretty easy process.  Questions? :)

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