Thursday, February 09, 2006

Daily Show and Colbert...

Daily Show:
So this morning I just watched last night's Daily Show and it had to be one of the funniest episodes ever. From the King funeral bits, to the Gonzales testimony, to the Klassic Kolbert, and finishing with a VERY funny Harrison Ford interview. Just a top to bottom hilarious episode.

Colbert Report:
So this has been a joyful addition to my TV diet (perfect for viewing via Slingbox at the office, ahem Slingmedia... listening still?). Colbert is absolutely hilarious at his dead pan delivery. In talking with Dan about this (or was it Ken) I have no clue either how he can maintain this momentum. He has to carry 30 minutes a day every weekday.

Did about 110 push-ups yesterday. That is all.

This is just an interim report until I actually have something marginally interesting to write about.

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