So what is the deal… Last nights game could not have sucked much more. In watching the replays and the interviews with the umpires I am even more frustrated. But that is sports. Have I mentioned ugh yet? Go Angels!
Video iPod:

So Dan asked me to provide my feedback on the new video iPod v. other technologies out there. Here are the viable portable video media technologies as I see them: the video iPod, the PSP, portable windows media players, and Archos media players. In brief… the iPod is cool but $1.99 an episode is really expensive, no real ability to port captured videos over to it, and no ability to fast-forward or rewind the videos, I say no! The PSP, no hard drive, only uses proprietary disc formats but has a killer screen, no until they come out with a hard drive and then maybe. Archos are cool, relatively inexpensive (by portable media standards), and can record just like a PVR (or take videos from your computer), I vote a big maybe but I think that the transfer of data is tough. The last is the portable Windows Media Player - very cool, easy to port video and long battery life. The only real issue is that the Windows Media PCs are far too expensive to be a viable PVR choice. Once the prices come down the portable Windows player and Windows Media PCs it just isn’t practical. So there, are you happy Dan?
Peanut Update:
She has spent 3 nights in a row in her princess bed. We have been impressed that she cries out but stays in bed. We aren’t sure how long this will last, BUT… Go Peanut!
But you didn't answer the most important question of all about the portable video players - will their tapes play in Dan's VCR?
p.s. An ALCS Game 2 loss that ensues from a ninth-inning blown call with a tied score is 1/100th the stomach punch of a World Series Game 6 loss that ensues from a ninth-inning blown call that leads to a blown lead.
Hey Dan - now that Drucker can watch his favorite show (all of them) at work, I fear your favorite show (his blog) has been canceled (or is on hiatus, at least).
[12:54] leehschneider: hey
[12:55] ciruli: yo
[12:55] leehschneider: remember Drucker's blog?
[12:55] ciruli: Not really.
[12:55] leehschneider: neither does he
I guess now that he can watch TV at work, he does that instead of writing about TV at work.
Drucker goes to work?
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