Monday, September 19, 2005

Avast ye Mateys!!!

Prius Update:
I think that waiting for this car is how I am being punished for mis-deeds in another life. I am a horribly impatient person when it comes to getting new toys and here I have to wait as each day the dealer tells me it should be in. ARGH.
Speaking of Argh:
This be Talk Like a Pirate Day, mateys! So fer as long as this swabbie can tolerate it thar blog shall be written like a pirate. Arrrrrrrrr.

A Bounty of Gold:
OK I am tired of it. I tire easily. Today I was bouncing around the web pretending to work when I found what might just be the coolest web site EVER. On the Midway games website they have a place where several old arcade games are emulated and you can play on the web. Of the games available there are: Defender, Defender II, Joust, Tapper, and Dan's favorite Robotron 2084 (please help us all if this is a premonition of things in 79 years, those robots SUCK).

Wait did someone mention my favorite subject. This is the week it all kicks off in FULL force. Tonight the best comedy on TV kicks it off. Loving Arrested Development and then a show based on a great book following it, Kitchen Confidential. More reviews to follow.

Did I ever mention I like TV?

Hannah Update:
6 days and counting in big girl underwear.... Our fingers are crossed that this continues.

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