Saturday, September 10, 2005

S-a-t-u-r-day Night (well day)

So here we are on a daddy day Saturday. Robin is at work and I got to be home with my peanut for the 2nd consecutive morning. Have I mentioned what a sweetheart she is and can be? Love waking with her walking in saying 'I love my daddy....' Ok enough gushing about what a good girl Hannah is. Onto business.

Of the 3 people that read this and know me I bet you are surprised I took me this long to write about my favorite subject. So TiVo being the 'greatest invention EVER' started something 6 or so months ago for referrals. My frustration with this referral thing is that I probably have gotten something like 20 people to get TiVos in the 4 years that I have had one, either directly or indirectly. I am a member of the cult of TiVo and praise its benefits at ever opportunity (again boring many around me). So now they have a contest for the biggest TiVo fan and well I am him BUT I don't have any referral points. Oh well, just venting frustration. I still love you TiVo.

Cal is playing today on the road at UW. Scares me that we are 0-7 v. Ty Willingham and we have a questionable QB, and it is supposed to rain but I guess that is why they play the games, right? Hopefully Marshawn goes for 2 bills and we literally run away with it. Go Bears!

Still have yet to watch Reunion so no review as of yet but the season really kicks into gear next week. Man I love TV. How sad is my life. Don't answer that (all 3 of you who read this garbage).

Current Events:
How badly has the administration messed this whole thing in NO up? Watched Brian Williams on The Daily Show yesterday and was astounded to see that he was in the midst of it and the FEMA director (or Horse Show Exec, or liar on his resume guy) had no idea things were going on in the convention center or Superdome? How can this be? How can the administration continue to work on these lies and expect the American public to buy in? There is a strong level of fear mongering that keeps the red state folks lock step, that and the fact that Gay marriage is far more important than real issues to these people so who cares if we waste billions on homeland security or the war in Iraq, "as long as them damn homos can't marry."

Good times. Have I mentioned recently how much my blog SUX?


Dan Ciruli said...

Someone else reads this blog? TWO OTHER people read this blog? Um, I doubt it!

Dan Ciruli said...

P.S. Go Bears.