Thursday, September 22, 2005


iPod Update:
So today Genentech gave out the iPod Nanos they promised us a couple of weeks back. Originally we had 2 choices to make when the announcement was made - color (Black or White) and whether it would be delivered or pick it up. In one my many genius decisions I chose to pick it up at work, thinking I would get it in a faster manner. The pick up date was today, all the people that had 'em delivered received them FedEx on Monday. So the place to pick them up was a short walk from where I work, I headed up to see that there was a 1.5 hour line. Holy crap! People were burning 1.5 hours of their work day to pick up a present? All of you who read this know I am a lazy person but not a lazy fool! I chose to go on my way home when I had to only wait 5 minutes. By the way the Nano is FREAKING SMALL! Good job Apple.

Prius Update:
Still completely in love with my car. Got 45mpg today to and from work. I expect that the final tally will rest somewhere around 48ish for my highway driving.

Peanut Update:
Still a silly silly little girl. Still using and liking to use the potty, which make us happy. Tonight as I was rocking her to sleep tonight she started her "More" game to get me to sing do a deer again (why anyone would want me to sing MORE is beyond me, I guess that is unconditional love for you). When it was time for the last one I said "Peanut, this is the last one and if you stay up too late no dance class tomorrow." She looks up at me, takes the pacifier out of her mouth and says: "Daddy, if I cry, no dance class, the teacher will be sad, she will have moco (spanish for mucus or snot)." By the way she starts her tap and ballet tomorrow. Stay tuned.

TV Update:
Tonight is the #2 big night of TV for the week. Good stuff. I LOOOOVE TV!

Baseball Update:
Yeah the Angels! 3 game lead with like 10 to go. Magic number is 8. I like baseball again.

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